Revista de Occidente: The Challenges of Global Cities

  • Literature
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Thu, March 28, 2024
  • 12:00 pm — 1:15 pm
Revista de Occidente: The Challenges of Global Cities

Professor Juan Luis Manfredi will analyze global city dynamics, democratic resurgence, and urban feminism in his monograph for “Revista de Occidente.”

Join Professor Juan Luis Manfredi, Prince of Asturias Distinguished Visiting Professor at Georgetown Walsh School of Foreign Service, as he explores his recently published monograph (PDF) for Revista de Occidente.

Revista de Occidente is the magazine of reference in the realms of ideas, science, and literature. Founded in 1923 by the philosopher Ortega y Gasset, the magazine is a cultural space for the issues of our time. In this monographic issue, the magazine analyzes the dimensions of the global city in the North and the South, its relevance in the recovery of democratic life or its innovative dimension. What are the dimensions of economic and territorial development? What is the future of intermediate cities? How is feminist urbanism articulated?

The authors, on both sides of the Atlantic, reflect a plural and diverse vision of the city. On this occasion, the conversation will focus on the challenges of global cities in a changing world.

Juan Luis Manfredi

Juan Luis Manfredi Sánchez (Seville, Spain) is Prince of Asturias Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. He teaches about European politics, deglobalization, public diplomacy, urban international politics, and modern diplomacy. His most recent books are Handbook of Diplomatic Reform and Innovation (Palgrave, 2023), and Urban Diplomacy. A Cosmopolitan Outlook (Brill, 2021), long-listed in the Pattis Family Foundation Global Cities Book Award – Chicago Council on Global Affairs.


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Alumni House, 3604 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057



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Georgetown Global Cities



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