10 of 30: Elisa Ferrer, Inma López Silva, and Laura Fernández in Washington, D.C.
Geroge Mason University welcomes Spanish writers Elisa Ferrer, Inma López Silva, and Laura Fernández present their latest works and share their writing expertise in a U.S. writers tour.
The audience will have the chance to get to know their work first hand, as the authors themselves will be reading some excerpts of their novels. This event will be held in English and it is part of the program 10 of 30.
About 10 of 30
10 of 30 is a project sponsored by the Office of Cultural and Scientific Relations at the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) that aims to bring international exposure to Spanish writers between the ages of 30 and 40, a period when a writer’s work often shows early maturity. Since its beginnings, the program has featured thirty writers representative of their generation, authors that Spain, as the Guest of Honor, will bring to Frankfurt Book Fair 2022. This year’s edition will be present in two cities in the United States: Iowa and Washington, D.C.
Elisa Ferrer
Elisa Ferrer was born in L’Alcúdia de Crespins, Valencia in 1983. Always interested in storytelling, she graduated with a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia and moved to Madrid to study scriptwriting at the Madrid Film School (ECAM). Ferrer also attended the University of Iowa, where she received a scholarship to pursue Master of Creative Writing in Spanish. During the two years she lived in Iowa City, she was a member of the Iowa Literaria editorial team and published poems in NYU’s Temporales, Chicago’s Contratiempo, and in the anthology 52 semanas from entropía ediciones.
While in Iowa, she wrote her first novel, Temporada de avispas / Wasp Season, which won the XV Tusquets Editores Novel Prize in 2019, the Valencian Critics Prize in 2020 and was shortlisted for the European Union Prize for Literature. She currently lives in Valencia where writes a weekly column in Aisge’s Revista Actúa, a monthly short story in Las Provincias, and is working on her secondnovel.
Inma López Silva
Inma López Silva is a Galician writer, theatre critic and columnist for several newspapers. She holds a doctoral degree in Philology from University of Santiago de Compostela and is a graduate of Theatre Studies at the Sorbonne. Her debut novel, Snow in April, was published in 1996, when she was 18.
She has been recognized by readers and critics alike for her novels, translated to several languages, which include Concubines (Xerais Novel Award 2002), I Don’t Want to Be Doris Day (2006) and Memoir of a City Without Lights (Blanco Amor Award 2008, Arcebispo San Clemente Award, Association of Writers in Galician Award). She is also the author of acclaimed non-fiction books, such as the travel book New York, New York (2007), the diary-essay about motherhood Maternosophy (2014) and the feminist essay Call me “Ms.” but treat
me like a “Mr.” (2018). Back When We Were Bad was considered the Best Galician Novel of 2017. The Daughter’s Book, her most recent novel, has been published in February 2020.
Laura Fernández
Born in Terrassa in 1981, Laura Fernández is the author of six novels: Bienvenidos a Welcome (Elipsis 2008 / Literatura Random House, 2019), Wendolin Kramer (Seix Barral, 2011), La Chica Zombie / The Zombie Girl (Seix Barral, 2013), El Show de Grossman / The Grossman Show (Aristas Martínez, 2013), Connerland (Literatura Random House, 2017) and La señora Potter no es exactamente Santa Claus / Mrs. Potter is Not Exactly Santa Claus (Literatura Random House, 2021).
Her work has been translated into French and Italian and her stories have been included in numerous anthologies, including Riplay (Adriana Hidalgo, 2014), Última temporada:
Nuevos narradores españoles 1980-1989 (Lengua de Trapo, 2013), and Insólitas (Páginas de Espuma, 2019). She is also a journalist and cultural critic, and an interviewer of writers. She currently writes exclusively for El País, but she has collaborated with a large number of other print and digital media in the past.