ECUSA's 10th anniversary celebration: Climate & Science
“Climate & Science” is the first event of the 10th anniversary celebration of the Association of Spanish Scientists in the USA (ECUSA), featuring a series of brief talks and two roundtable discussions.
Science has demonstrated that in the last 200 years human activities have had a direct impact on the planet’s climate. Every year, records on temperature, global emissions of greenhouse gasses and atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are reported. We are facing, without a doubt, the greatest challenge of humanity where science plays a key role to face it.
The Association of Spanish Scientists in the USA or ECUSA (Españoles Científicos en USA) is a non-profit US scientific organization and the largest Spanish association abroad. It engages the Spanish-Hispanic-Latin scientific community in the U.S. to promote science, support professional development and advocate for the community.
In the celebration of its 10th anniversary, ECUSA aims to advance in understanding climate change’s complexity, its impacts on Earth’s integrated systems, and how science shapes mitigation and adaptation solutions.
The event will unite scientists, academics, policymakers, and representatives from the private and public sectors. It will provide an interdisciplinary perspective to emphasize the importance of collective and individual actions for climate-resilient development.
The first panel will discuss how scientific information supports policy-making. The second panel will explore contributions to climate action from stakeholders like the private sector, public institutions, education, communication, and NGOs.
1st block:
- 12:00 pm: Registration
- 1:00 pm: Welcome & opening
- 1:10 pm: Opening talk
- 1:30 pm: Keynote talk
- 2:00 pm: Panel I — The importance of data in the decision-making process
2nd block:
- 3:45 pm: Keynote talk
- 4:15 pm: Panel II — Co-responsability
- 5:30 pm: ECUSA 10 Years talk
- 6:00 pm: Closing remarks & EPO-ECUSA educational activities
- 6:30 pm: Awards ceremony & Ramón y Cajal exhibition opening
Keynote speakers and panelists
- Mr. Carlos Manuel Rodriguez. CEO and Chairperson of Global Environment Facility(GEF)
- Dr. Anna Stewart-Ibarra. Executive Director at the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI)
- Dr. Frances Colon. Senior director for International Climate Policy at the Center for American Progress (CAP)
- Dr. Sarah Cooley, Senior Director of Climate Science, Ocean Conservancy
- Dr. Cesar Terrer. Assistant Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Dr. Kendra McLauchlan. Program Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
- Dr. Carol O’Donnell. Executive Director of the Smithsonian Science Education Center
- Ms. Vanesa Jaklitsch. Founder and CEO of Working With Words (3Ws)
- Ms. Milagros Rivas. Division Chief in Advisory Services IDB Invest.
- Dr. Laura Ramajo Gallardo, Cochair Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2)