After FotoWeekDC 2017, the project dedicated to the Canary Islanders community in Louisiana by Thenesoya Martín de la Nuez and Aníbal Martel remains open until December 9, 2017.
Photographer Aníbal Martel and researcher Thenesoya V. Martín De la Nuez are the co-creators of CISLANDERUS, a four-year long cultural and artistic project dedicated to the Canary Islanders community in Louisiana. Through over one hundred interviews and an unprecedented photographic archive, their work aims to make visible a forgotten chapter of our Spanish-American history.
With an eminently interdisciplinary focus grounded in a combination of cultural and insular studies, documentary photography, and anthropology, this exhibition-in-motion show the faces and voices of a community on the verge of extinction or disappearance. Divided in two parts, a photographic corpus and a video-essay, the exhibit showcases a body of work that shows the entangled nature of affects and objectivity, as well as the different ways to connect history and presence.