Between Barbed Wire and Exile. Spanish Sangrías and Vichy Therapies
Professor José María Naharro-Calderón (University of Maryland) presents his book with Hispanists Sebastiaan Faber (Oberlin College) and Germán Labrador Méndez (Princeton University).
Entre alambradas y exilios. Sangrías de las Españas y terapias de Vichy (Between Barbed Wire and Exile. Spanish Sangrías and Vichy Therapies) by José María Naharro-Calderón, Professor of Spanish Literature, Iberian Cultures & Exile Studies at the University of Maryland, is a challenging study about the cultural and historical contradictions denounced by the Spanish Republican exiles after the Civil War (1936-39). From the concentration camps in France or Nazi lagers to the oblivious memory about Francoism, this essay also dissects present Spanish crossroads, leading to aspiring nationalisms, migrants and refugees, terrorism, and globalization.
The book presentation will be lead by Hispanists Sebastian Faber (Oberlin College) and Germán Labrador Méndez (Princeton University,) active contributors to the debate around Spain’s arts and cultures.