Cervantes, los espacios vividos
Projection of Spanish literature and photography combining spaces with poems of light.
Professor and visual artist Ricardo Santonja presents in this exhibition an emotional, scientific vision of what represents Cervantes to him, with regard to the places where Cervantes lived and that were fundamental to the creation of his literary works.
Motivated by the 400th anniversary of the death of Miguel Cervantes de Saavedra, author Ricardo Santonja hopes to pay homage to the internationally renowned and indispensable Spanish author, reflecting on the spaces in which Cervantes lived. For this, he has selected the images known as “poems of light” (poemas de luz) to create a halo of magic around the life of Cervantes. The lived spaces: Madrid, La Mancha, Barcelona, Valencia, Roma, Nápoles, Cerdeña, Argel and Túnez, among others, are the driving forces of this photographical exposition based on the energy of emotions.