Catalan Literature and Tapas!

An evening of engaging conversation about Josep Pla between two renowned translators: Peter Bush and the Bay Area’s own Katherine Silver as part of Two Voices event series.
Peter Bush won the Ramon Llull Award for his translation of Josep Pla’s masterpiece, The Gray Notebook (NYRB). Bush has translated dozens of books from Catalan, Spanish, and Portuguese, including work by Quim Monzo and Juan Carlos Onetti. His translation of Pla’s Life Embitters is forthcoming from Archipelago Books in April 2015.
In 2010, Two Lines’s Scott Esposito conducted an interview with Peter Bush on the release of his translation of Fernando de Rojas’s Celestina.
Katherine Silver is an award-winning translator and director of the Banff International Literary Translation Centre. Her translation of Martín Adán’s The Cardboard House was a runner-up for the PEN Translation Award in 2013. She has brought into English some of the most important contemporary Spanish-language literature, including authors César Aira and Horacio Castellanos Moya, Martin Adán, Marcos Giralt Torrente, and many others.
Cash bar and copies of Pla’s book available at event.