Stardust Wishes at Coolture Impact

Coolture Impact presents “Stardust Wishes,” an interactive playground where visitors can create their own fireworks and kaledoiscopic lightshows.
Stardust Wishes at Coolture Impact, the largest interactive public art platform, intertwines reality and fantasy through the looking glass. By moving, dancing, waving, or pointing, visitors create their own spectacular lightshow. Whether shooting holiday fireworks across the massive screen, effortlessly creating swirls of kaleidoscopic colors with a wave of their hand, or swaying and abstract deco cityscapes of light move with them, they are essential participants in a unique artistic experience created by themselves and the visitors around them.
Stardust Wishes even offers each visitor the opportunity to see and capture their self through the magic of Stardust Me!, a unique selfie photo booth that will capture their image surrounded by fantastic effects and incorporate them within the artwork.
About Coolture Impact
At the edge of new digital frontiers, Coolture Impact is an incubator that explores and exploits new technologies, art content and social interaction. It creates a new paradigm in storytelling, where digital art is activated by, and exposed to, a large audience. Viewers are invited to experience and interact with art in a personal and exciting way to become an intrinsic part of the soulful artworks of our talented, featured artists.
Ana Calvo de Luis, the driving force behind the platform, explains: “This unique project is possible thanks to the generous support of the PABT managers and the companies and artists that believe in creating collaborative art. We´ve focused on creating a dynamic, interactive, content driven, social platform that positively impacts on how we interact and communicate.”