Framed at the 7th Winter Film Awards International Film Festival
“Framed” is a Spanish horror film directed by Marc Martínez Jordán where obsession about success in social media is taking control of society.
The Winter Film Awards 7th annual International Film Festival runs from February 22 to March 3, featuring 93 films of different genres together with free discussion panels and other activities. The festival presents 13 animated films, 13 documentaries, 10 feature narratives, 8 horror films, 9 music videos, 33 narrative shorts and 7 web series, and includes filmmakers from 31 different countries. The festival features a total of 40% of the films created by women and 43% created by people of color. Among the program, the Spanish horror film Framed will be screened.
- On Monday, February 26 at 7:45 pm.
- Directed by Marc Martínez Jordán, 2016, Spain. Watch trailer.
- With Àlex Maruny, Joe Manjón, Daniel Horvath, Biel Montoro, Mercè Montalà, Ann Perelló, Júlia Molins, Enric Auquer and Clàudia Pons.
Framed is the social network of the moment. It broadcasts streaming videos from any mobile device. Thousands of users around the world are competing to get the maximum number of viewers and increase their visibility. There are no standards or censorship and broadcast content become increasingly violent and controversial.
Álex (Joe Manjón) is moving to Berlin to make a new start in life. His sister Claudia (Clàudia Pons) shows up at the farewell party that his friends are throwing. During the party which is held at one of the friends place, the group is savagely attacked by three individuals, led by a psychopath (Àlex Maruny) who aims to achieve the widest possible audience subjecting young people to very cruel games and unusual torture.