Directed by Angel Gil Orrios, Spanish actors Soledad López and Francisco Fuertes interpret a play by the celebrated contemporary Spanish author Antonio Muñoz de Mesa.
What happens when some Men of God commit “sins” of sexual abuse and the Church covers up for them? A powerful thought-provoking drama based on real events.
- Bilingual American Premiere.
- Written by the celebrated contemporary Spanish author Antonio Muñoz de Mesa. Starring award-winning Spanish actors Soledad López and Francisco Fuertes. Directed by award-winning Spanish director Ángel Gil Orrios. English translation is by Professor Phyllis Zatlin.
It will be performed on alternate days in English and in Spanish:
- Performances in English: Fridays at 8 pm and Saturdays at 3 pm.
- Performances in Spanish: Saturday 8 pm and Sundays at 4 pm.
About Angel Gil Orrios
Angel Gil Orrios has been the Artistic / Executive Director of Thalia Theatre since 2000, and has been honored with the New York 2009 Mayor’s Award for Arts & Culture. He received the 2010 ACE Special Award for Artistic Achievement from the Association of Critics of Entertainment of New York, and the Hispanic Leadership Award from New York City Council member Jimmy Van Bramer, Chairman of the Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations.
He has directed and produced more than 120 plays and musicals, including the world premiere of afroTANGO, and the bilingual world premiere of Ramirez de Haro’s Secret Weapons of Fat destruction.