Spanish writers at the 2018 Miami Book Fair

The Miami Book Fair, one of the nation’s finest book festivals, brings the best of Spanish Literature to Miami.
During eight days, hundreds of authors and thousands of readers converge on Downtown Miami for the Miami Book Fair, the nation’s premier literary festival. The Fair will open Sunday, November 11, with the popular Evenings With… series, featuring six nights of readings and discussions with noted authors from the United States and around the world.
On Friday, the Street Fair gets under way. The highlight of the Street Fair is the Festival of Authors, with more than 450 authors reading and discussing their work, including the Latin American and Spanish authors who participate in the IberoAmerican Authors Program.
Spanish writers including César Sánchez Ortiz, Alejandro Palomas, Paloma Muiña, José Fragoso, Joxemari Iturralde, and Elia Barceló, among others, are some of the Spanish-speaking authors from around the world participating in the Miami Book Fair. Thousands of South Florida schoolchildren will help kick off the Street Fair, making the trip downtown Friday to hear authors and participate in Children’s Alley activities, including theater, arts-and-crafts, storytelling and readings by children’s book authors. Comics and graphic novels are once again featured, and a new section just for kids and teens, as well as presentations over the weekend by renowned graphic novelists and illustrators.
During Street Fair weekend –November 16-18– more than 250 publishers and booksellers exhibit and sell books, with special features like the antiquarians, who showcase signed first editions, original manuscripts and other collectibles.
The first Miami Book Fair, founded by Miami Dade College and community partners, took place in 1984. Since then, it has been recognized as one of the nation’s finest literary festivals.