There is Water: Art and Sustainable Practices at By the People Festival

  • Sketching the future
  • Washington
  • Thu, June 20, 2019
  • 7:00 pm
There is Water: Art and Sustainable Practices at By the People Festival

During the “By the People Festival” and as part of the program “Fair Water: A Right of All,” a panel discussion aims to explore current water-related challenges from an artistic perspective.

This panel discussion by artists from different fields will address both their work about the global water challenges and the importance of sustainable art practices to protect water resources. Panelists will include Spanish art curator Blanca de la Torre, Mexican architect Mario Schjetnan, and US artists and academics Susannah Sayler and Edward Morris.

By The People is presented by Halcyon, a D.C.-based nonprofit that lifts up emerging creators and innovators, giving them the space, community, and access to realize bold visions to confront and solve 21st century problems. In 2018, Halcyon presented the first By The People Festival, a four-day arts and dialogue festival that reached tens of thousands of people across Washington, D.C. Halcyon’s programs are always evolving to reach new audiences and refine their approach to maximize impact, but the core idea remains the same: 21st century challenges will be solved by outside-the-box thinkers, and Halcyon is committed to building bridges, fostering community, and creating space that brings those thinkers to the forefront, nourishing their creativity.

This event is part of the Fair Water: A Right of All program.


Venue map

Former Residence of the Ambassadors of Spain, 2801 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20009



Presented by SPAIN art & culture, By the People Festival, and the Mexican Cultural Institute. Photo: Glacial, Icecap and Permafrost Melting LIX: Lake Paron, Peru, 2008, by Sayler / Morris



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