The way of the light (Camino de luz)

The tribute to the life of Saint Teresa in the 500th Centenary comes to the U.S.
Santa Teresa of Jesus has been popularly known as “the restless and wanderer nun.” Throughout her life, she walked across Spain founding convents of the Order of the Discalced Carmel.
The idea of life as a way, as a pilgrimage, even as a “mission,” is therefore intimately linked to her life and to her memory. Subsequently, her wandering entrepreneurial, creative spirit and in search of faith and truth, has spread all over the world. On five continents have brought about vocations that keep alive the flame Saint Teresa lit and has every year passed it on to more citizens from around the world. The Saint continues walking and draws in a multitude of searchers of the highest values in all cultures by the passing of her friends through the five continents. The way of the light is a tribute to that particular aspect of the life of Saint Teresa, and at the same time, is a manner to symbolically start the centenary.
The way of the light’s pilgrimage started in Alba de Tormes in October 15, 2014 (feast of the Saint) and will tour the world stopping at Teresian places going though the five continents (Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Australasia). This pilgrimage includes active missions, arriving in Avila on March 28, 2015, the place and date of her birth and which will mark the completion of her V Centenary celebration.
The pilgrims are being accompanied throughout the tour by a very important symbolic relic: the walking cane of Santa Teresa as an invitation to continue walking with her.
The journey is crossing the five continents and going through Carmelite historical places –Mount Carmel, Ávila, the Vatican, etc.– as well as the small missions in Africa, passing by the first foundations in America, Asia, Africa or simply smaller monasteries but that live in contemplation with equal devotion. The idea is to show the life and work of the Discalced Carmelites in all its magnitude and diversity.
Countries visited by continents
- América: EE.UU , Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay.
- Asia: India, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Lebanon.
- Oceania: Australia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Samoa.
- África: Abiyan, The Ivory Coast, Togo, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania.
- Europa: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, France, Czech Republic.
‘Camino de Luz’ in the U.S.
- On November 27 and 28 in San Antonio, Texas
- On November 29–December 1 in Los Angeles and San Francisco.