Ni bien ni mal, todo lo contrario by Soledad Barrio & Noche Flamenca

Noche Flamenca, created in 1993 by Artistic Director Martín Santangelo and Soledad Barrio, marks its 30th anniversary season with “Ni bien ni mal, todo lo contrario”.
Ni bien ni mal, todo lo contrario (Neither good nor bad, but the opposite) celebrates life and being together again while also reflecting on the isolation of the shutdown. The show is made up of selections from existing repertory and new material inspired by the great Spanish painter Francisco de Goya. Noche Flamenca was formed 30 years ago around Barrio as the star, but always remained a seamlessly integrated group of collaborators in which every dancer and musician is a master of their craft. As Brian Seibert wrote for The New York Times in 2019, Barrio is now a “first among equals.”
Performing at Plays & Players, are dancers Soledad Barrio, Marina Elana, Pablo Fraile, and Antonio Granjero; singers Carmina Cortes, Emilio Florido, and Manuel Gago; musicians David Chupete, Salva de María, and Eugenio Iglesias.