Parallel looks. Iran-Spain: Photographers in the mirror

The exhibition represents the first encounter of twelve female photographers from Iran and Spain who share suprising affinities.
Since its creation, more than 15 years ago, MED-OCC has had the conviction that there is a multitude of artistic and cultural affinities among the contemporary creators from different countries, despite their mutual lack of awareness. Thus, the need to look for spaces of permanent exchange and debate that help develop, inside the field of contemporary visual arts, the latent cultural connection between Spain and other countries like Morocco, Syria and, now, Iran.
Miradas Paralelas (Parallel Looks). Iran-Spain: Photographers in the Mirror offers the first encounter of female creators from both countries with six couples of photographers, who unequivocally surprise us with their affinities, from another perspective, that of the look of the curators, Zara Fernández de Moya and Santiago Olmo.
Which enigmatic force brings together the look of two photographers from such distant countries as Spain and Iran? What internal languages bring them closer through a mirror reflection that illuminates them mutually? Featuring Soledad Córdoba and Shadi Ghadirian; Cristina García Rodero and Hengameh Golestan, Amparo Garrido and Rana Javadi; Isabel Muñoz and Gohar Dashti; Mayte Vieta and Ghazaleh Hedayat; María Zarazúa and Newsha Tavakolian.