Muntadas: Projects / Proposals

The work of Antoni Muntadas addresses the social and political power encoded in contemporary media.
Muntadas: Projects/Proposals presents a way of creating and working. The exhibition sets out to demonstrate, with several of fully realized works, his commitment to the creation of models on which he has articulated independently of trends and fashions in techniques and media over more than forty years.
Also presented here is Muntadas’ original version of Emisión/Recepción made in Madrid at a moment when Franco’s control over the media left Spain with but one TV station. All locations and all viewership was confined to the same exact broadcast at all times. Presented as a double projection of synchronized 35mm slides on Kodak carousel projectors, the installation in 1974 was one of his most significant early projects. The cycle of early works presented here end with his signature work, Dialogo (1980).
The gallery presentation also includes two more recent projects which highlight the interpretative quality of meaning through language –Words, Words…– and through a more cinematic themed film project presented at the 72nd Venice Festival of Cinema in 2015 entitled Dérive Veneziane.