Marcos Giralt Torrente and Nicolás Casariego at BEA

The Spanish authors will be at BookExpo America with Hispabook Publishing and at 192 Books and McNally Jackson Books presenting their novels ‘Antón Mallick Wants to Be Happy’ and ‘Paris.’
Marcos Giralt Torrente
Marcos Giralt Torrente is an award-winning writer from Madrid. He has published several books in Spain, including the novels Paris (Herralde Novel Award), Los seres felices and Tiempo de vida (Spanish National Book Award), the novella Nada sucede solo and the collections of short stories Entiéndame and El final del amor (International Short Fiction Award Ribera del Duero).
- On Wednesday, May 28 at 12 pm at Conference Day: Marcols Giralt will take part in a panel as a U.S. success case author.
Nicolás Casariego
Nicolás Casariego was born in Madrid in 1970. He has written long and short fiction works, essay, children’s books, travel articles and is co-scriptwriter of several feature films. Cazadores de luz, his second novel, was finalist for the Nadal Award 2005 in Spain. His latest title is Carahueca, a movie tie-in book of the screenplay he co-wrote for Clive Owen’s project, Intruders. In 2008 he was awarded the Writers Omi residence fellowship for international writers at Ledig House, New York. Antón Mallick Wants to Be Hapy is his first novel in English-language translation.
- On Thursday 29 at 12 pm at Translation Market Stage: Nicolás Casariego will talk about his novel Antón Mallick Wants to Be Happy with Rohan Kamicheril from Words Without Borders.
Related Events
- Nicolás Casariego in conversation with Harold Augenbraum. On Friday 30 at 7 pm at 192 Books.
RSVP: [email protected].
Spanish author will talk about his novel “Antón Mallick Wants to Be Happy” in 192 Books with Harold Augenbraum, executive director of the National Book Foundation. - Marcols Giralt in conversation with Francisco Goldman. On Wednesday May 28 at 7 pm at McNally Jackson Books.
RSVP: [email protected].
Spanish author will talk about his first two works in English-language translation: the book of short stories The End of Love (McSweeneys) and the novel Paris (Hispabooks).