Lamazares – Nicolai

  • Visual arts
  • New York
  • Sun, September 03 —
    Sat, September 30, 2017
Lamazares – Nicolai

With “Alfabeto Delfín,” Spanish painter Antón Lamazares offers his most original proposal, in which painting and poetry merge through his Christian and farmer alphabet.

Antón Lamazares was born in 1954 in Maceira, in the village of Lalín in Pontevedra, Spain. There, he studied in the Franciscan convent of San Antonio de Herbón, an experience that left an indelible impression upon the mystical and poetic process of his work. Self-taught, the Spanish artist has created an autonomous universe that evolves from expressionism and abstraction to the essentialism of his latest series, wherein there is always a dialogue of soul and memory, of sensuality and spirituality, and of dreams and poetry.

In Alfabeto Delfín, Lamazares wounds and cultivates the cardboard in a quest for the beginning, for those traces that speak of the sanctity of the origin, for the enchantment of the matter as it encounters the original word.

When seeing this crosslink of Lamazares’s poetic-pictorial paths, which duplicate the thought-provoking potential of secrecy, keeping in mind the Horatian dictum ut pictura poesis, the spinal column of occidental art of classic lineage (…), Lamazares retreats to the original meaning of the poetic that refers us indistinctly to the creative breath, which is also inventive, innovative, but recedes to the original of origin.

— Francisco Calvo Serraller


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Galerie Richard, 121 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002



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Galerie Richard



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