Gerado Vizmanos photography: Hidden Subject

“Hidden Subject” deals with movement, bodies and shapes, contrasting a sense of serenity with the tension of a latent sexuality that could be present but remains hidden.
Gerardo Vizmanos’ work is heavily influenced by his experience of being born into a heteronormative society, which tolerates gay men who are able to hide within assigned roles. The concept of “subject” is central to Vizmanos’ work. The artist uses his visual language to address philosophical concepts surrounding the notion of being.
Hidden Subjects is presented with a display of murals specifically for this show where Gerardo Vizmanos shows references and elements that inform his work. In this first solo exhibition, he showcases different styles and techniques and features 25 color, and black and white images. In addition to the show there will be a gallery talk with the opportunity to meet the artist.
Gerardo Vizmanos
Gerardo Vizmanos was born in Spain and since 2012 he has lived in New York. Before becoming a photographer, he practiced corporate law in Europe and in the United States.
In 2011 he received an award at the International Talent Support contest in Trieste, Italy. He combines his personal work with commissions in fashion, and he regularly publishes in magazines in different countries.
The images are enigmas. Each work has an emotional energy, generated by the tension between the setup and the result. The appearance creates a curiosity between what is seen and not seen: something is hidden. The subjects look to break out of the restrictions of the frame. They are anonymous. The viewer cannot enter this world. It is not a window. It is a magic mirror of overlapping layers.
—Joel Handorff