Sombra de Luna and Erótica...(dos) by Francisco Álvarez "Koki"

The Spanish author presents his two new books at La Nacional in New York.
Francisco Álvarez was born in A Guarda, Galicia (Spain) in 1957, but he has lived in New York since 1984. He writes in both Galician and Spanish. His most recent titles in Galician are: Ratas en Manhattan, Para Abril e amantes, Alen da frontera, Máis aló de fisterre. His works in Spanish are Poemas en Escritores españoles en los Estados Unidos, Entre tu cuerpo y mi cuerpo, Seis narradores españoles en Nueva York, and Piel Palabra. Muestra de la poesía española en Nueva York. He has won the first prize in Latin theater in New York Nuevas Voices, convened by Metlife Foundation and Repertorio Español.
About Sombra de Luna and Erótica…(dos)
Sombra de Luna (Moon Shadow) talks about the inner metamorphosis of the soul of the poet. It is a life in many lives that he sees wandering from Harlem to the Fifth Avenue, their dreams and daily suffering, in the limbo of the word. The work, the twelfth of the author, is composed of 72 poems that reflect the injustices, illusions, love and pain on the experiences in the city of the skyscrapers.
Erótica…(dos) is an anthology that includes the work of the author from 1980.
- Basilio Rodríguez Cañada, president of the editorial group Sial Pygmalion.
- Gerardo Piña Rosales, writer and president of the Real Academia Norteamericana de la Lengua Española (ANLE).
- Miguel Falquez-Certain, writer and translator.
- Francisco Alvarez-Koki, author of the books.