Coolture Impact: A Digital Interactive Cultural Platform in Times Square

  • Urban Culture
  • New York
  • Thu, October 25 —
    Sat, November 24, 2018
Coolture Impact: A Digital Interactive Cultural Platform in Times Square

Coolture Impact is the largest interactive public art platform that intertwines reality and fantasy on the windows of the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Times Square.

The Now, the first featured art presentation at Coolture Impact, offers a journey into magical worlds, opening doors to hidden places and participatory environments. The Now explores transitory spaces and unseen parallel realities, in a cinematic voyage to visually striking realms, live painting, and animated characters with evolving narratives. Visitors are invited to walk, move and unravel the different storylines.

The Now was created by Laia Cabrera & Co (filmmakers and video artists Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger) through video art, animation, video mapping and interactivity. Interactivity is provided by designers Lorne Covington and Bill Saiff (NoirFlux) and immersive experience developer Karan Parikh.

About Coolture Impact

At the edge of new digital frontiers, Coolture Impact is an incubator that explores and exploits new technologies, art content and social interaction. It creates a new paradigm in storytelling, where digital art is activated by, and exposed to, a large audience. Viewers are invited to experience and interact with art in a personal and exciting way to become an intrinsic part of the soulful artworks of our talented, featured artists.

Ana Calvo de Luis, the driving force behind the platform, explains: “This unique project is possible thanks to the generous support of the PABT managers and the companies and artists that believe in creating collaborative art. We´ve focused on creating a dynamic, interactive, content driven, social platform that positively impacts on how we interact and communicate.”


Venue map

Port Authority Bus Terminal (PABT), W 42nd St & 8th Ave, New York, NY 10036



More information

Laia Cabrera & Co


Produced by Cultural Semiotic Alliance (CSA), a non-profit organization that develops and promotes unique cultural presentations in public spaces and new media platforms. Made possible thanks to Coolture, Port Authorty Bus Terminal (PABT), Noirflux, Leyard And Planar, Stereolabs, Laia Cabrera & Co, Lcl Comunicacion, King Displays And Mijo! Brands



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