More than Shorts: Shorts from Spain
Casa de España en Minnesota and the Independent Filmmaker Project present “More than Shorts,” a selection of the most distinguished Spanish shorts.
More than Shorts is an initiative of the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain to support and promote Spanish short films in the United States. Shorts From Spain is a selection made by The Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) of the most outstanding shorts of every year, chosen for their artistic quality, originality, creativity and their screening at national and international festivals. ICAA’s 2015 and 2016 catalogs include shorts like: Alike, Al Pelae, Echo, Hide and Seek and Tomorrow is not Another Day.
Featuring the work of the new talents of Spanish cinema who convey their concerns, abilities and high degree of professionalism through their short films is a priority for the ICAA. This is an important step for promoting Spanish cinema and, although it may show the work of only a few directors, it exemplifies the good work and the talent of many others, and we encourage them to continue creating “major” films, whatever their length may be.
—Óscar Graefenhain, ICAA Director