Miami Book Fair International

More than 25 authors from Spain will participate in various events throughout the Book Fair.
In commemoration of the 500 years since Ponce de León arrived in Florida, the 30th edition of Miami Book Fair International will celebrate Spain’s culture with thought-provoking and entertaining programs. 25 authors are arriving from Spain to participate in the Book Fair, including poets Ana Merino, Luis Muñoz and Carlos Pardo, novelists such as 1999 Premio Cervantes award winner Jorge Edwards, Carmen Posadas, José Ovejero, Kirmen Uribe, Lorenzo Silva, Manuel Vilas, Javier Calvo, Elvira Navarro and Pedro Zarraluki, essayist Juan Jesús Armas Marcelo, playwright José Ramón Fernández and Sergi Belbel, illustrator Jesús Gabán, story-teller Ana Cristina Herreros, young readers’ novelists Rosa Navarro Durán and Alfredo Gómez Cerdá, and graphic novelists and illustrators Miguel Gallardo and Max.
In addition to these wonderful authors, other important literary and cultural personalities from Spain will attend the fair such Mar Andrés Thomas, Pablo Barrios Almazor, Mario Buisán, Pedro Cerrillo, Jordi Diez, Ana Fuentes, Juan Malpartida, Silvia Matute, Antoni Miralda, Rosa Montero, Francisco Moreno Fernández, Fabio Murrieta, Soledad Puértolas and Mercedes Monmany.
Spain’s Pavilion will hold many events, including the final presentation of Spain’s Great Untranslated, an anthology of some of Spain’s most prized and untranslated literary works, which previously visited New York,Miami, Houston and Albuquerque. The presentation will be held at Spain’s Pavilion on Friday, November 22nd at 7 pm (in Spanish, free admission). Panelists will include editor and literary critic Mercedes Monmany, novelist Pedro Zarraluki, translator Mara Faye Lethem and Cuban-American writer Carlos Alberto Montaner.
Spain’s Pavilion will also host the exhibit La Lectura en Cartel, a retrospective of the images used in the promotion of books and reading in Spain since the 1930s.The exhibit is organized by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports from Spain and Acción Cultural Española, AC/E.
View schedule of events at Spain's Pavilion. Free admission and no RSVP required to Spain's Great Untranslated event. Street Fair admission: Free on Friday, Nov. 22 / $8 on Saturday, Nov. 23 and Sunday, Nov. 24. Learn more about ticketed events at the Fair.