10 of 30: Sabina Urraca & Florencia del Campo in Iowa City
The University of Iowa welcomes two new Spanish writers from the “10 of 30: New Spanish Narrative project”: Sabina Urraca and Florencia del Campo.
The audience will have the chance to get to know their work first hand, as the authors themselves will be reading some excerpts from their novels. Author Horacio Castellanos Moya will be introducing the authors and the readings, which will be held in Spanish with English translations of the texts.
This presentation is part of Spain Writes, America Reads, the literature program of the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Spain in Washington, D.C. that aims to support Spanish authors in the U.S.
About 10 of 30
10 of 30: New Spanish Narrative is a project sponsored by the Office of Cultural and Scientific Relations at the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) that aims to bring international exposure to Spanish writers between the ages of 30 and 40, a period when a writer’s work often shows early maturity. Since its beginnings, the program has featured 30 writers representative of their generation, authors that Spain, as the Guest of Honor, will bring to Frankfurt Book Fair 2022.
About Sabina Urraca
Born in San Sebastián in 1984, Sabina Urraca was raised in Canary Islands, and has lived in Madrid for over fifteen years. She has been an insurance salesperson, a waitress, a scriptwriter, reporter, TV and advertising creative and presenter. She writes for media publications such as El País, Eldiario.es, Vice, and Cinemanía.
She is the author of the novel Las niñas prodigio (Fulgencio Pimentel), winner of the Premio Javier Morote, awarded from the Spanish Federation of Bookseller Guilds and Associations, and selected for New Spanish Books and Soñó con La chica que robaba un caballo (Lengua de Trapo). Some of her tales have been published in The Washington Square Review, The White Review and Los Bárbaros. Her work is featured in the anthologies La errabunda: Primer tratado ibérico de deambulología heterodoxa (Lindo&Espinosa) and Tranquilas: Historias para ir solas por la noche (Lumen).
In 2017, Urraca delivered a TED talk called Escaping the Girl Prodigy. She has been the 2020 resident editor at Editorial Barrett, featurizing Panza de Burro by Andrea Abreu. Currently, she is an Iowa Arts Fellow at the Spanish MFA at the University of Iowa and she keeps editing books for different publishing houses.
About Florencia del Campo
Born in Buenos Aires in 1982, Florencia del Campo has lived in Madrid since 2013. Her first novel published in Spain was La huésped (Base Editorial, 2016), for which del Campo was a finalist for the 2014 Premio Equis de Novela. In 2017 she published Madre mía (Caballo de Troya, 2017). Her most recent novel, La versión extranjera (Pretextos, 2019), won the Premio Internacional de Novela Ciudad de Barbastro.
She has also published a poetry book, Mis hijas ajenas (Editorial Sloper, Mallorca, 2020), and several children’s and young adult’s books. She works as an editor and as a writer from her house on the mountains in Madrid.