La Increíblemente Alucinante Historia de Marcial, el niño normal by José Fragoso

Children’s books author and illustrator José Fragoso presents “The incredibly amazing story of Marcial, the normal kid,” in conversation with New Yorker’s cartoonist, Benjamin Schwartz.
The incredibly amazing story of Marcial, the normal kid
- Original title: La Increíblemente Alucinante Historia de Marcial, el niño normal.
- By José Fragoso. Published by Narval.
Chosen one of the ten best children’s books of the Madrid Book Fair 2017, it tells the story of an exceptional and fantastically normal kid. Marcial was a very normal kid, he liked to play with his dog and didn’t like doing his homework. That’s normal. But one day he didn’t feel like a normal kid anymore. Now he was incredibly, amazingly and fabulously normal.
About José Fragoso
José Fragoso (Madrid, 1975) is a kid’s books author and illustrator. After studying cartoon animation and graphic design in Madrid, and illustration at the School of Visual Arts New York, he currently lives in Chicago, where he teaches illustration at Instituto Cervantes. He is the writer and illustrator of the children’s book La Increíblemente Alucinante Historia de Marcial, el niño normal, published by Narval Editores, and distributed in the U.S. and Latin America by Cinco Books and Lorito Books.
About Benjamin Schwartz
Benjamin Schwartz is a New York based cartoonist and educator. He has been a regular contributing cartoonist for The New Yorker since 2012. He is also an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University, where he earned both his undergrad and medical degree. His academic work focuses on using visual storytelling techniques and the principles of Narrative Medicine to improve the communication skills and empathy of doctors in training, and on developing engaging educational content for the web and social media to improve health literacy within the general population.
A Children’s book / comic illustration workshop will follow the presentation. Free, RSVP required.