Manuel Rivas on Tour in Chicago

Manuel Rivas, one of Spain’s most beloved contemporary writers, talks about his work and his love for Galicia, his native land.
Manuel Rivas (La Coruña, 1957) is Galicia’s most international writer. He has published eight books in English: four novels, two poetry collections and two books of short stories (one a film tie-in, Butterfly’s Tongue).
His novel The Carpenter’s Pencil, which has also been made into a film, is the most widely translated work of Galician literature and has been translated into thirty languages. His most recent novel, All Is Silence, also turned into a film, was published by Harvill Secker in May 2013.
With his book of short stories Vermeer’s Milkmaid & Other Stories, he won the Spanish National Prize for Literature in 1996. He works as a journalist and is a regular contributor to El País. Manuel Rivas will tour various universities and cultural institutions across the U.S. to present his works.
In Spanish with English translation.