'Entre Marta y Lope' ('Between Marta and Lope') Fall Tour
A contemporary play on the last days of Lope de Vega, the foremost Spanish playwright of the Golden Age.
Entre Marta y Lope (Between Marta and Lope) was conceived to introduce audiences to this key figure, whose corpus includes over 400 plays. This heartfelt performance enchants audiences with its portrait of Lope, a worn playwright and incorrigible womanizer who lives isolated from the world after a life full of art and adventure. By his side, keeping him company in the dark night, Marta de Nevares: his last lover, his sin, his passion, his punishment and his reward. Entre Marta y Lope is pure theatre to celebrate a man to whom the world was just one big stage.
The play, which premiered in Madrid in 2013, comes to the U.S. thanks to the Golden Age University Theatre Network, a collaboration between Fundación Siglo de Oro and several universities and educational institutions aimed at bringing the cultural scene of Spain and the U.S. together presenting in American stages Spanish productions.
Entre Marta y Lope (Between Marta and Lope)
- Written by Gerardo Malla and Santiago Miralles.
- Cast: César Sánchez as Lope de Vega, and Eva Higueras as Marta de Nevares.