'A Tres Bandas'

'A Tres Bandas'

An exhibition about the mixing and fusion of African, Indigenous and Hispanic cultures which serves as a framework for understanding the processes of change and continuity in Latin American music.

The exhibition A Tres Bandas (Three-Faceted Music: Crossbreeding, syncretism and hybridization in Latin America) is presented as a material, sonorous and visual tale of crossbreeding, syncretism and hybridization of the Latin American musical sphere from the 16th century to the end of the 20th century.

The route of this journey is based on two central themes: on the one hand, a historical and critical review of the mixture of races, beliefs and fusions (of traditional and modern elements) that took place in the merging of African, Indigenous and Hispanic cultures (or so-called African-American, Amerindian and Hispanic European); and on the other hand, it shows the result of this process on this period’s music found in cities, instruments and social practices.

These two lines give us a visual and sonorous perspective of what music represents for this multilingual territory throughout its period of inter-ethnic convergence, and the processes of change and continuity in Latin American music.

  • Visual arts
  • San Juan, PR
  • Apr 18, 2013Jul 14, 2013


Museo de las Américas, Cll Beneficencia, San Juan, 00926, Puerto Rico

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Museo de las Américas, Cuartel de Ballajá, Segundo piso, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902



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Organized by Acción Cultural Española (AC/E), Consulate General of Spain in Puerto Rico and Museo de las Américas. Sponsors: Fundación Abertis and Santander Puerto Rico. Photo: Acción Cultural Española (AC/E).