Concha Buika live in Puerto Rico

Concha Buika live in Puerto Rico

Concha Buika will present her last work En mi piel in Puerto Rico.

Concha Buika is one of the most peculiar Spanish artists around. Born on the island of Mallorca, she has become a true revelation to those who thought flamenco had little left to contribute to Spanish music, and to jazz.

Buika’s evident African roots and her cosmopolitanism explain her rare self-possession. But nothing can quite explain her ability to connect —one of those rare and wonderful “one listen” artists.

After her first visit to Puerto Rico two years ago, Buika has recorded the album En mi piel and has collaborated with Pedro Almodovar in The skin I live in.

  • Music
  • San Juan, PR
  • May 25, 2012
  • 08:30 pm


Centro de Bellas Artes de Caguas, Cll Ruiz Belvis, Caguas, 00725, Puerto Rico

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